
Perception Pie in a nutshell


Grow your mind and gain new perspectives from browsing thought-provoking content related to Psychology and more.

Wayne Dyer

“If you change the way you look at things, the things you look at change.”


We write our content in simple words, so most people can understand it easily. Along with examples, common takes to make sure you can relate.


We write our articles using real life experiences and from proper research. We also cite scholarly articles, studies from sites like ResearchGate, when applicable.

About Perception Pie

Unlike psychology blogs which focus on medical aspects; Perception Pie is a blog that aims to answer commonly asked questions regarding psychology like “why do we think like this”“what made me do that” etc. 

We generally know about this stuff in the back of our minds but reading about it validates our thinking process and may even open new perspectives for us.

Hold up, bear with us! “Psychology” may sound complex and you might even ask if it even matters. This piece attempts to answer that with some benefits from understanding psychology but the following quote from the post summarizes it well:

“Psychology isn’t just limited to psychologists but also to the general public who use psychology practices in their daily life without realizing it”

Aside from this, such content enables us to appreciate the events occurring around us. It also helps us understand what’s going on in the minds of others. Adding all these motivations laid the foundation of Perception Pie.

About Me

Hey! This is Zain and I write most of the posts you’ll find at Perception Pie. Psychology is my passion and I love writing about it.

Rather than being satisfied with the tip of the iceberg, I am always keen to dig deeper and try thinking beneath the surface. 

I hope you found our posts interesting, following are answers to some questions you might have:

Q: What makes this psychology blog any different?

Rather than going technical into psychology like its medical aspects, you’ll be reading about interesting ways to look at different situations from a psychological perspective. You’ll also find answers to commonly asked questions regarding psychology, philosophy here!

Q: This is a difficult subject, what’s your educational background?

I’m an accredited engineer and did my major in Electrical Engineering. Although psychology and engineering are different subjects, engineering truly tested my mental self & taught me a lot about psychology.

Those were some tough years…but the experiences, mental challenges and stress started my process of self-realization and strengthened my mental self. 

In a way, engineering helped me find the real me and once we understand ourself, we can start to understand our surroundings better.

Q: You didn’t major in psychology but talk about it?

Yes and I’m here to show you that If I can do it why can’t you! So, make sure to share your comments on posts as you read them.

Coming back to topic, I have a calm and observant nature that helps me see things from different perspectives for more insights. 

You don’t necessarily need a psychology degree to talk about it, especially if you’re discussing it from social angles or how we think.

Your experiences, knowledge and observing life in general will teach you different aspects of psychology. Just shows that anyone can learn about it.

To end this, it doesn’t necessarily mean I have stopped learning and become some sort of guru, I’m always trying to keep the mind wheels running. 

To do so, I like doing certified psychology courses, reading research articles, editorials and the best of all: observing life as an unfolding story.

That’s it for this page:

Check out our blog and take part in the journey where we explore new perspectives together!